International Symposium: "Housing Design and Cross-Cultural Exchange through Dwelling Experience"
○会場:大阪工業大学 梅田キャンパス 2Fセミナー室
- Opening: Takashi Ikejiri (Kindai University, Japan)
- Introduction: Kiwamu Yanagisawa (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Katinka Temme (Prof., Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Germany)
"the dwelling experience"
- Ayan Sen (Ayan Sen Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, India)
"DWELLING EXPERIENCE: Lives & Dwellings Seen from Personal Experience"
- Asako Yamamoto (ALPHAVILLE Architects, Japan)
"Does House folows Home Life? : 20years of my experience as an architect"
[Presentation of Dwelling Experience Report]:
- Tomoki Noda (Kyoto University)
- Sun Wenqian (Kyoto University))
- Yuta Shiosaka (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
- Ma Pinchi (Hokkaido University)
- Chihiro Kaneko (Hokkaido University)
- Closing: Rie Nomura (Hokkaido University, Japan)
| Projects プロジェクト , Seminar 研究会など | 24.12.15