【住み方発見!! Home Life Diaries in Japan】展
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【住み方発見!! Home Life Diaries in Japan】展
○会期:2024/12/2(月)〜12/15(日) ※12/9(月)は休館
・「普通」の住まいのさまざまな生活 [3F寝室]
・住経験インタビューの国際展開 [リビング・ダイニング]
○日時:12/7(土) 14時〜16時
Housing Design and Cross-Cultural Exchange through Dwelling Experience
○主催:国際住経験会議実行委員会 柳沢究(代表・京都大学)/池尻隆史(近畿大学)/山本麻子(アルファヴィル・大阪工業大学)/水島あかね(大阪工業大学)/野村理恵(北海道大学)/野田倫生(京都大学)
福本壮真/吉田未来/大橋知史/森蔭郁海/重國陵磨/笛田颯太/米田昇馬/前川晴貴/藤原凪/田家遥/上野愛依/佐藤優衣 (大阪工業大学)
Exhibition "住み方発見!! Home Life Diaries in Japan"
○Dates: 2nd - 15th December 2024 *Closed on 9th Dec.
○Venue: Gallery Nipponbashi house (Google Map)
○Opening hours: 11:00 - around 17:00 (sunset)
○Admission free
So far, around 500 students* have taken part in the "Dwelling Experience Interviews" project, in which they interview their parents, grandparents, etc. about the houses they have ever lived in and their dwelling experiences there, and then reconstructing floor plans... Over 2000 houses have been drawn up in this way. This time, we exhibit around 100 selected floor plans that show unique ways of living. Why not think about the future of housing by looking at the real lives of people from various eras, countries, regions, families and individuals?
* Schools where the Dwelling Experience Interviews were conducted (2013-2024)
Meijo University / Kyoto University / Kindai University / Akashi National College of Technology / TU Delft (Netherlands) / University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) / Hokkaido University / Osaka Institute of Technology / Keio University
Related Events
International Symposium
Housing Design and Cross-Cultural Exchange through Dwelling Experience
○Date: 14th December 2024, 13:30〜17:30
○Venue: 2F Seminar Room, Umeda Campus, Osaka Institute of Technology
Lecture by
- Ayan Sen (Ayan Sen Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, India)
- Katinka Temme (Prof., Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Germany)
- Asako Yamamoto (ALPHAVILLE Architects, Japan)
Presentations of Dwelling Experience Interviews by students
Organised by International Dwelling Experience Conference Executive Committee: Kiwamu Yanagisawa (Kyoto University) / Takashi Ikejiri (Kindai University) / Asako Yamamoto (ALPHAVILLE Architects, Osaka Institute of Technology) / Akane Mizushima (Osaka Institute of Technology) / Rie Nomura (Hokkaido University) / Tomoki Noda (Kyoto University)
Venue cooperation: Shujiro Kanamori (Gallery Nipponbashi house)
Design and production of display fixtures: Mokuteki Kogei-sha
Exhibition production: Yanagisawa Laboratory (Kyoto University), Yamamoto Laboratory (Osaka Institute of Technology), Ikejiri Laboratory (Kindai University)
Leaflet design: Mizushima Laboratory (Osaka Institute of Technology)
Poster design: Reiko Hirakawa (Kyoto University)
Supported by Union Foundation for Ergodesign Culture (International Exchange Grant, 2024), JSPS KAKENHI grant number 23K26277
Contact: Yanagisawa Labo., yanagis.lab@gmail.com
| Projects プロジェクト , Seminar 研究会など | 24.10.07