
外国人留学生の方へ/For International Students : 京都大学柳沢研究室|居住空間学講座|https://q-labo.info/kyoto/060_other/000465.php
Copyright © 柳沢究 Kiwamu YANAGISAWA, 2012-2025

外国人留学生の方へ/For International Students

(( English follows Japanese ))



0.1. 語学能力について
・交換留学・博士課程・修士進学しない研究生:日本語能力試験2級相当、またはTOEFL iBT 79またはIELTS 6.5相当


0.2. 大使館推薦による国費留学の場合
大使館推薦による国費留学の場合は、第1次選考の合格通知を受け取った後にAAO(「手続きおよび連絡方法等 2.(2)」参照)から連絡してください。個別のメールには返信しません。

1. 交換留学


2. 博士課程


3. 修士課程


4. 研究生


※ 修士進学をめざす研究生については、現在(〜2025年7月末)、2026年4月入学の研究生への応募のみ受け付けています。





以上を理解いただいた上で、研究生としての選考を希望する方は、入学希望年の前年7月末日までに、アドミッション支援オフィス(Admissions Assistance Office (AAO)を通じて、以下の書類を提出してください。


※ 申請時には必ず、本ページ(q-labo.info/kyoto/060_other/000465.php)を確認済みであることをAAOに伝えてください(そうでないと受理されません)。







For international students who wish to join our laboratory

Thanks for your interest in our laboratory.

0.1. Language requirements
Currently, most of the classes in our department and presentations, discussions, and research guidance in our laboratory are conducted mainly in Japanese. Although English theses are accepted, our laboratory highly recommends you learn Japanese for a fruitful study. Therefore, at the time of application for research students, a certain level of Japanese reading, writing, and speaking skills is required. The guidelines are as follows:
- Research students aiming for the master's course: Japanese proficiency equivalent to JLPT N1
- Exchange students, doctoral course, research students not aiming for the master's course: Japanese proficiency level equivalent to JLPT N2 or English proficiency level equivalent to TOEFL iBT 79, IELTS 6.5, or higher.

For official information about studying at Kyoto University, please visit the official website:
- Study at KyotoU — KYOTO UNIVERSITY
- Graduate School of Engineering: Research, Special Research and Special Auditing Students (International Students)

0.2. For applicants of MEXT scholarship recommended by the Embassy
In the case of application for MEXT scholarship recommended by the Embassy, please contact AAO (see 'Procedures and contact method', 2. (2)) after receiving a Passing Certificate of the First Screening from a Japanese diplomatic mission. Individual emails will not be replied to.

1. Exchange students

We accept a few students from institutions that have an inter-university or inter-departmental exchange agreement with Kyoto University. Please check with your university for detail of the exchange agreement and the application process.

2. Doctoral course

Currently, our laboratory does not accept students from other universities in principle, except for MEXT scholarship students recommended by the Japanese Embassy. Those who wish to enter our laboratory as doctoral students are, first, required to become Research Students (see 4.) for one year (from April to March).

3. Master's course

Those who wish to enter our laboratory as master's students are, first, required to become Research Students (see 4.) for one year (from April to March). To enter the master's course, Research students must pass the entrance examination in the Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering.

4. Research Student

The application for Research Students aiming at the master course is accepted till the end of July.
If you wish to become a research student without pursuing a master's degree, please contact us directly by e-mail.

* At present (- July 2025), we are accepting applications for Research Student entering in April 2026.

1) Selection Process

We accept a maximum one Research Student for one year from each April, based on the following selection:

- By July: Submission of application documents to AAO
- Aug.: Submission of a designated report
(If passing the document screening)
- Sept.: Interviews at Kyoto University or online (mainly in Japanese)
(If accepted)
- Nov.: Official application to the university
- Jan.: Issuance of an official Letter of Acceptance
- Apr.: Enrollment as a Research Student

2) Application to AAO

After understanding the above, those who wish to be Research Students, please submit the following documents through the Admissions Assistance Office (AAO), by the end of July of the year preceding enrollment.

- Documents required by AAO
- Research Plan in master's course (including a summary of your previous study and work)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Letter of Recommendation
- Portfolio of design works
- Other documents, such as Certificate of Japanese Proficiency, and copies of academic papers. (optional)

* When applying, inform AAO that you have read this page (q-labo.info/kyoto/060_other/000465.php). Otherwise, your application won't be accepted.*

3) Designated Report

After reviewing the submitted documents, you will be given the instructions for writing a designated report on housing. The instructions are in Japanese. The report must be written in Japanese or English and submitted by the deadline in August.
In the document screening, we will examine whether we can accept the applicants in terms of the relevance to our lab's specialty, clarity and validity of the research plans, knowledge and skills regarding architecture and architectural engineering, based on the submitted documents and designated reports.

4) Interviews
If you pass the document screening, you will be interviewed at Kyoto University or online in September. The interview will primarily confirm whether the research guidance in Japanese is possible.

5) After the Enrollment as a Research Student

First, attending weekly seminars, you need to write a short paper (e.g. a paper for an annual convention of the Architectural Institute of Japan) within several months. Based on the paper, we decide on your eligibility to apply for the master's course entrance examination. This acceptance is not always guaranteed. The entrance examination for foreign students is held in February. If you pass the examination, admission to the master's course is in April. Those who do not apply for the examination or fail the examination once, are not allowed to take it the following year.

柳沢 究 Kiwamu YANAGISAWA

Last updated: 2024/10/18

| Others その他 | 24.10.18